For every Artshine art class or art box that is purchased, Arts4All Unlimited donates the same to an underprivileged child or youth.


School Scholarship

Is Artshine in Your School?


Camp Scholarship

Interested in attending a Summer Camp?


Giveback Box Program

Providing art supplies to kids in need.


Inspiring & Original Art Classes
Designed by Passionate Art Teachers

Participation in the arts should not be limited by income, ability or life circumstances.

Arts4All Unliminted 5-Year Impact Report

Letting Our Art Shine

We run free and subsidized art programs (in English & French) in Canada!

laughing girl covered in paint

Our Purpose

Through Arts4All, Artshine profits are invested back into the community.

We don't just provide instructional art seminars. Artshine & Arts4All undertake programs that help individuals and groups to express themselves creatively. With what result?

Students experience positive personal satisfaction from what they have accomplished. They have greater self-confidence. And they are equipped to engage within their communities in upbuilding ways.

You can play an important role in exposing more and more people in your community to these benefits. Help support us by purchasing our services or by donation as we build a healthy, inclusive, and exciting future for the arts.

Be an Arts4All Sponsor

Our Supporters & Partners

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Arts4All Donation: Sponsor ($25)

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Sponsoring Arts4All demonstrates your commitment to the community and build goodwill with potential customers in a meaningful way, generating new business leads and fostering loyalty. To learn more about the opportunities with being a sponsor check-out our our Sponsorship Flyer or contact  Note: Arts4All is a non-profit (not a charity),... Read More